The team is growing!

Aucune description alternative pour cette imageGrégoire has joined MetalSkin Technologies to manage several marketing and commercial files, culminating in the launch of our new MS-Sticker product! There is a lot of work to be done but I am counting on his enthusiasm, his curiosity and his youth obviously to invest himself fully and generate sales, increase our visibility and establish our image in anti-microbial surfaces.
So I welcome him (and good luck)😉 !

#newposition #recrutements #marketing #developpement
#mssticker #metalskin


The Covid-19 can not live on copper

Scientist in the USA have recently evaluate the stability of the Covid-19 on various surfaces, including copper that is the active substance used to formulate MetalSkin®. The study (*) show that the virus has a very short lifespan on copper as it is eliminated within 4 hours, to compare with stainless steel where it can live for up to two days.
This is a great hope for new applications for MetalSkin®.

(*) Aerosol and surface stability of HCoV-19 (SARS-CoV-2) compared to SARS-CoV-1 Neeltje van Doremalen, James O. Lloyd-Smith, Vincent J. Munster / New England Journal of Medecine – March 2020

MetalSkin is nominated for the Europe1 Trophies of the Future

MetalSkin® is a very promising solution for the future. This is a project made in France with global and transversal objectives. Raphaelle Duchemin has selected us to present our innovation in her daily show on the radio: « La France qui Bouge » (« The France that moves forward »). She also invited MetalSkin® to attend the competition for the « Trophies of the Future » as a HealthCare innovation. Thanks a lot for this focus!

MetalSkin won the « Or Norme » Trophy / AFNOR

The AFNOR (French Agency for Normalisation) has awarded MetalSkin Technologies for its involvement in the project NF S90-700. We won the « Or Normes » trophy in the category « Be a step ahead ». This award is of course the recognition of our commitment but also the confirmation of the quality of this standard that is a milestone in the future of preventive strategies against contaminations. This proves we are on a good and useful way to success.

MetalSkin becomes a Stakeholder of Clean Hospitals

We are extremely proud to announce that we have become stakeholders of the Clean Hospitals organization. This is an international group of scientists, professors, industrials, entrepreneurs…all dedicated to find and develop solutions for a better hygiene and safety in healthcare facilities.
Clean Hospitals was initiated by Pr Didier Pittet, the inventor of the HAS and the great teacher of the good practices related to hand hygiene.

The goal of Clean Hospitals is to built up a strong scientific backbone upon which we are going to evaluate strategies, practices and innovations. Ultimately, Clean Hospitals will publish good practice guidelines that will comply with regulations, standards and will integrate the most updated knowledge to bring an immediate improvement for healthcare workers, cleaning staff, visitors and, above all, patients.

Finally: Publication of the NF S90-700 standard !

We have been working for months together with key actors of health safety in France (ANSES, SF2H), famous microbiologists (such as Ms Christine Roques, President of both the Commission of Standardization on Biocidal Surfaces and Disinfectants), bio-statisticians, epidemiologists, experts in materials and industrials. The outcome of this work was a text that the AFNOR has released upon « The method of evaluation of the basic bactericidal activity of non porous surfaces ». This is a giant leap in quality. As a matter of fact, the new standard requires for a surface to claim a bactericidal activity to divide by 100 – under normal environmental conditions – the counts of bacterias within 1 hour. This performance must be completed on four different strains that represent the main risks in an healthcare facility (S.Aureus; E. Coli, P. Aeruginosa, E. Hirae).

PIXIKA chooses MetalSkin®

PIXIKA (ex GOO CONNECT) has signed a partnership agreement to develop a range of Hi-Tech antimicrobial objects.

One of the main actors on the market of the connected objects, the company GOO CONNECT, is going to develop new ranges of objects endowed with high antimicrobial performances, thanks to MetalSkin®, to answer the sanitary risks created in particular by the keyboards of computers, the mice, the hulls of telephones or the USB keys, so many objects which we know that they conceal a staggering number of bacteria!


The Clinic St Jean l’Ermitage is equipped with MetalSkin®

Site de la Clinique Saint-Jean Ermitage - Clinique Saint-Jean ErmitageA second establishment equipped with MetalSkin®.

MetalSkin Technologies has equipped the St Jean l’Ermitage clinic in Melun with its antibacterial composite. The door handles, the handrails in the corridors, as well as the taps have been coated with MetalSkin®.

This is the second clinic in France to be extensively equipped with a higher level of hygiene quality, after the Clinic St Roch in Montpellier, with the aim of providing an additional defense against health risks.