At the age of 51, the founder of MetalSkin developed a virucidal and antibacterial paint. And he claims that his coating could wipe out 99.95% of SARS-CoV-2 on certain surfaces. The product has already been licensed under patent to several companies. While the contractor is preparing a bactericidal tape.
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MS-Sticker®, the first bactericidal and virucidal adhesive tape – Les Echos
MetalSkin Technologies will offer an adhesive that eliminates 99% of bacteria in three minutes and inhibits 99.5% of CoV-2-SARS in two to four hours. The company has just signed a contract with UUDS, a specialist in the design and decontamination of aircraft cabins, which has diversified into the disinfection of public transport.
MetalSkin Technologies launches a self-decontaminating adhesive – TRAITEMENTS & MATERIAUX
MS-Sticker® is formulated with an alloy composed mainly of copper.
MetalSkin Technologies invented and patented MetalSkin®, a coating with bactericidal and virucidal properties, certified under real conditions of use. The French company presents a new product : MS-Sticker®, the adhesive and flexible variant of MetalSkin®.
Initially created for use in hospitals, the French MetalSkin® technology is the result of work carried out by MetalSkin Technologies teams with hygiene, health and epidemic risk prevention professionals for nearly 15 years. It claims to eradicate 99% of bacteria in 3 minutes and to inhibit 99.5% of SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) between 2 and 4 hours.
“Given the health situation, it had become essential for us to make available products that could be used on a larger scale. We would like MS-Sticker® to meet this growing demand for hygiene at the heart of companies”, Stéphane Penari, President of MetalSkin Technologies SAS.
MS-Sticker®: a certified adhesive easy to apply
Manufactured in France, MS-Sticker adhesives are designed to coat surfaces repeatedly touched by heterogeneous populations in order to avoid the spread of bacteria and viruses. The MetalSkin technology, which is harmless to humans, takes the form of a self-decontaminating adhesive formulated with an alloy composed mainly of copper and which can be applied to all types of flat, cylindrical and relief-free surfaces (e.g. switches, handles, knobs, doorbells…).
MS-Sticker®, A self-decontaminating adhesive to protect from Covid-19 – ENJEUX RH
When the pandemic began, Metalskin Technologies had just patented a technology for a self-decontaminating copper-based surface coating, the result of 15 years of research. The Hérault industrialist saw the demand explode and now offers an adhesive using its technology that is resistant, flexible and easy to apply.
A few months before the pandemic, in mid-2019, the French company Metalskin Technologies patented the invention of its self-decontaminating coating that provides 99% protection against bacteria and 99.5% protection against the Sars-Cov-2 virus (Covid-19). The result of nearly 15 years of research work for the start-up officially created in 2013. Since the pandemic, masks and hydroalcoholic gel are now part of the PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) mandatory in companies. However, there is no real prevention of transmission through the surfaces affected on a daily basis in places frequented by people. These include door handles or workstations in offices, but also working environments in industry, logistics, retail or construction sites, for example.
A ready-to-use adhesive for SMEs
The coating is a composite combining polymers and a 92% copper alloy, applied to a thickness of 200 µm. It is the biocidal properties of the metal that are at the origin of the protection. The application of the coating makes the surfaces self-decontaminating in a way. The technology eradicates 99% of bacteria in 3 minutes and inhibits 99.5% of SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) in 2 to 4 hours. According to the company, it has “demonstrated its effectiveness in everyday conditions and in very short periods of time, according to the strictest standards, including NF S90-700”. To facilitate the equipping of surfaces or buildings in very small and medium-sized businesses and craftsmen, Metalskin Technologies has designed a flexible and resistant adhesive based on its technology. It can be applied to any flat, cylindrical and relief-free surface such as door handles or switches.
Technology licensed to manufacturers
Metalskin Technologies licenses its patented technology and know-how to industrialists, who design and produce. It has registered its invention with intellectual property protection authorities worldwide (Europe, China, Japan, Australia, United States, etc.). For example, Le Francilien Pixika has designed phone shells, keyboards, mice, external batteries, USB keys, all of which are bactericidal. Bulk & Co in Yonne, a manufacturer of bulk food distribution devices, has equipped the handles of its silos for dry grocery stores with them.
New developments in transportation – CETIM
A hydrogen-powered train, a ship’s propeller made in additive manufacture and a very high speed autonomous train… this new collection of watch notes published by Cetim puts the world of transport in the honor.
Spain has its hydrogen train! The Talgo Vittal-One, the first train of this type developed by the Spanish manufacturer, is functional and will begin its tests in 2021. It is expected to be on the market in 2023.
The Chinese Fuxing train is equipped with a conventional engine, but it is an autonomous train capable of reaching a speed of 350 km/h. On-board systems automation uses the BeiDou satellite geolocation service (BDS), based on 5G technology. Its autonomous driving system enables it to start and run automatically between stations, adjusting its schedule and stopping precisely at the platform. 2718 sensors are used to detect the slightest anomaly.
A vessel driven by additive manufacturing
This time, Naval Group has equipped a ship of the French Navy with a propeller produced in additive metal fabrication. The largest propeller ever produced with this technique, is a first step for the French. Other parts would have to be redesigned to benefit from the manufacturing gains.
New products for our interior
This new collection of watch notes also highlights new features in the building of the future, with the Threespine/ Välinge snap-on system, which guarantees that furniture can be assembled and disassembled without creating a gap between parts and facilitates recycling at the end of its life. Rewarded with an InterzumAward, this device allows panels to be easily, quickly and without tools fixed to each other thanks to a locking tab inserted in a specific machining. This connection creates a continuous joint that ensures the squareness, stability and solidity of the furniture. This invisible and reversible technology is compatible with all types of machinable materials.
Finally, made of 92% copper, the MetalSkin® coating can be applied like a paint at room temperature and can be used to coat all kinds of objects or surfaces with a flexible skin capable of eradicating bacteria, microbes, germs and other viruses. This biocidal treatment destroys 99% of bacteria in 3 minutes and 99.5% of SARS-CoV-2 in 4 hours.
Technology, hygiene and well-being: the ideal home in the Covid-19 era – Le Monde
Do we need to transform our habitats now that the pandemic has made us new sedentary? How can we think of a relationship to the home that has been disrupted by the generalization of telework and confinement? Piece by piece sketch of a new domestic lifestyle.
The interest of self-decontaminating surfaces with biocidal properties – SALLES PROPRES
The interest of self-decontaminating surfaces with biocidal properties
Today, self-decontaminating surface materials appear as relevant solutions in the cleanroom perimeter. The NF S90-700 published in 2019 thus provides reference texts in the field. Several trials have recently been carried out in French clinics.
A summary article on self-decontaminating surfaces: a must-read!
AIR AND SURFACE SANITATION: New technologies for disinfection – L’Auvergnat de Paris
In the merciless fight that the CHRs are waging against the Covid-19, an emergency door may well appear through innovative systems, usually used in industry or hospitals, to purify the air and sanitize surfaces.
The anti-Covid protection system installed by Alain Ducasse at Allard, to filter the ambient air and bring a healthy breath of fresh air to each table of the restaurant, was welcomed by the customers who found it reassuring. In my opinion, certain categories of tourists will need a guarantee of safety to return to the restaurants, especially foreigners,” said Benoît Gillmann, CEO of Bio-UV, whose company has developed several disinfection devices (see box). In the future, certain sectors, particularly the hotel and restaurant industry, will have to adopt more advanced hygiene and disinfection protocols. “The choice of an air purifier depends very much on the use you want to make of it,” notes Jean-Christophe Champion, air quality expert at BioCleanair Assethos.
Among the means deployed, filtration, often used in operating theatres, would however present flaws, according to Jean-Christophe Campion. “Filtration has the advantage of being able to choose which sizes of microparticles should be stopped by the filters. But that’s still capture, we don’t kill viruses. The filters get dirty and when they have to be changed, it is not impossible that they will disperse again. “Ionization decontamination devices also have the disadvantage that they do not remove viruses, but disperse them away from the treated area. The greatest promise would therefore come from UV systems, which would allow undesirable microorganisms to be eliminated with high rates of effectiveness.
Protecting surfaces: coatings that kill
In recent months, the platform, which references materials with unique properties, has seen a surge in demand for bio-treated coatings, particularly against viruses and bacteria. It is not our role to advise on this or that material,” recalls Quentin Hirsinger, founder of the platform. Our added value lies in sourcing products that present a particular asset that can be used in different contexts. “The decontamination and sanitization of surfaces by processes other than repeated cleaning is one of the challenges of health safety. Metalskin Technologies, a TPE in the Hérault region of France, uses the antiseptic properties of copper in paint.
“Scientists have very recently evaluated the mortality of Covid-19 on certain surfaces, including copper, which is the active ingredient in MetalSkin®. Their study shows that on a copper surface, the virus is eliminated in less than 4 hours compared to 1 to 2 days on stainless steel,” the company reacted. After a long experimental phase, the company now wants to promote the integration of this bactericidal coating in the manufacturing process of industrial companies. The only downside is that the high cost of copper currently prevents the massive deployment of this technology.
The nugget: MetalSkin® has developed a coating against bacteria and viruses – BFM BUSINESS
This Wednesday, November 18, in the column La pépite, Lorraine Goumot receives Stéphane Penari, founder and president of MetalSkin Technologies SAS. He talked about MetalSkin’s bactericidal paint which is copper-based to eradicate bacteria, microbes, germs and viruses.
Positive in the pandemic: here are 10 amazing innovations related to coronavirus –
Positive in the pandemic: here are 10 amazing innovations related to coronavirus
The coronavirus has changed our habits: social distancing, masking… Measures that are not always easy to observe. Companies are looking to innovate to help us. Contactless” is becoming king, technology is calling you to order and destructive virus protection is flourishing everywhere. Here are 10 amazing innovations that have emerged in the wake of the pandemic.
A copper coating
“MetalSkin® is a coating that can be applied to a wide range of materials and shapes. It is a composite of polymers and a 92% copper alloy. Its application makes it possible to divide the number of bacteria by an average of 3,000 in 1 hour. In addition to destroying 99% of bacteria in 3 minutes, surfaces coated with MetalSkin® kill 99.5% of SARS-CoV-2 in 4 hours for 10 years,” the firm states on its website. In France, many restaurants and hospitals are adding this coating to switches, door handles, faucets and toilet bowls. The system can also be placed on a telephone shell.